Slávka Zámečníková makes her role debut as Daria in "Prima la Mamma" at Deutschen Oper am Rhein
Theatre, theatre everywhere! During rehearsals for the highly tragic period piece ‘Romulus and Ersilia’, everything somehow goes wrong: the prima donna doesn't feel well, the trouser role doesn't like itself and the tenor finally wants to play first violin.
And to make matters worse, Mamma Agata, the second soprano's weird helicopter mother, bursts in...
When the trouser role and the tenor finally leave in a huff, the need is great: who is going to sing Romulus? Without further ado and very helpfully, the completely unmusical Mamma Agata wants to step in. But before it gets that far, let alone the performance of the opera, everything is over and the opera house is to be closed!
In his opera buffa, in which the Mamma is played by a baritone (!), Gaetano Donizetti creates a musically colourful and virtuoso parody of the customs and mores of the theatre with all the clichés and eccentric tendencies of the artists, staged in a comedic, shrill and colourful way by director Daniel Kramer (‘Die tote Stadt’).
Source Deutsche Oper am Rhein
Slávka Zámečníková makes her role debut as Daria
PREMIERE on 16 November 2024
further performances: 22/27/30 November, 8/21/31 December, 12 January 2024