New Production of Mozart's Don Giovanni under the baton of Bertrand de Billy, Adela Zaharia as Donna Anna

San Francisco Opera opens its 2022 Summer Season with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Don Giovanni from June 4–July 2 at the War Memorial Opera House. Conductor Bertrand de Billy makes his Company debut leading an international cast headed by Etienne Dupuis as Don Giovanni and Adela Zaharia as Donna Anna. Parisian conductor Bertrand de Billy will conduct the 1788 version of the score, wherein Mozart added arias and made other changes for the work’s presentation in Vienna six months after its first performances in Prague. Adela Zaharia makes her Company debut as Donna Anna, a role she has recently performed on the leading opera stages of Paris, Amsterdam, London and Madrid. About the Romanian soprano, the Los Angeles Times observed “[Adela Zaharia’s] voice was equal parts shimmer and opulence.”


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