Kirill Petrenko on tour in the USA with the Berlin Philharmonic

Beginning November 10, Kirill Petrenko and the Berliner Philharmoniker will be on tour in the USA for the first time. New York, Boston, Chicago, Ann Arbor and Naples, the Berlin Philharmonic will play two different programs that show the artistic bond between the USA and Europe. Thus, the 7th Symphony by Gustav Mahler, the orchestral work "Unstuck" by the U.S. American Andrew Norman and the Symphony in F-sharp major by Erich Wolfgang Korngold will be heard. The soloist in the 1st Violin Concerto by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is Noah Bendix-Balgley, the orchestra's U.S.-born first concertmaster.


The dates are:
Nov 10/11/12 Carnegie Hall, NY
Nov 13, Symphony Hall, Boston
Nov 16, Chicago Symphony Center, Chicago
Nov 18/19, Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor
Nov 21/22, Hayes Hall, Naples

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