Stefan Pop gibt sein Rollendebüt als Cavaradossi am ROH Covent Garden

Stefan Pop debütiert als Cavaradossi in Tosca am Royal Opera House London.

“But the big excitement here is young Romanian tenor Ştefan Pop – winner of Operalia, the major annual opera competition – singing his very first Cavaradossi. Have we ever heard a role debut better in this production? With rising young British star Freddie de Tommaso’s just months in the memory, I’m reluctant to say no, even if it’s a close-run thing. Teasing us with his Act I romanza “Recondita armonia”, hints of Nemorino still audible in the easy, swelling bloom of the voice, Pop then hits us with an “E lucevan le stelle” designed to leave us in no doubt: we’re not in bel canto any more.
It’s a performance we’ll be hearing a lot more of. Maybe even, in another few decades, in a newer, more shocking production.” (Quelle: The Telegraph)

Veranstaltungstermine: 8./11./15./19./22. Februar 2022

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